Refers to the type of action taken upon a document.


Actual Completion
This date describes the fiscal year and quarter of when a project was completed.

Actual Start
This date describes the fiscal year and quarter estimated or actual start date of a project.

Adopting Activity
An Adopting Activity is the official DoD technical focal point for a Non-Government Standard (NGS) that has been adopted for repetitive use by the DoD activities with a Custodian or Reviewer Interest. The alpha, numeric, or alphanumeric code comes from the SD-1, Standardization Directory, a publication available from ASSIST which displays specific responsibilities by FSC and Standardization Area for standardization management activities.

Adopting Activities have the following responsibilities:

» Adopt NGSs and represent the Department of Defense on all technical matters related to the NGS.
» Coordinate draft NGSs with other interested SMAs to solicit comments and identify Custodian and review interest.
» Resolve and consolidate DoD comments on draft NGSs, and provide DoD comments and positions in time to be considered for inclusion in the approved NGS.
» Prepare adoption notices for NGSs and submit the notice together with a copy of the approved NGS to DLA Document Services for indexing, stocking, and distribution. (Policy Memo 00-3)
» Ensure that the ASSIST database lists the latest edition of the adopted NGS.
» Keep the non-government standards body (NGSB) apprised of DoD needs for new standards, changes required to existing standards to make them acceptable to the DoD, and any problems with adopted NGSs.

Adopting Service
An Adopting Service is the service designation (Army, Navy, etc.) to which an adopting activity belongs.

Adoption Date
Adoption Date represents when a Non-Government Standard document was officially recognized or accepted for use by the DoD. The date identifies when the Non-Government standard document was accepted in the ASSIST database.

Air Force Custodian
An Air Force Custodian is responsible for compiling comments from all Air Force review activities during the coordination of standardization documents and providing a single set of distilled comments to the preparing activity. The custodian function in the Defense Standardization Program helps to prevent receipt of duplicative comments by the preparing activity, and provides a single contact point for resolution of essential comments.

An Air Force Custodian's responsibilities include:

» Representing the Department of the Air Force on technical issues involving a standardization document or study.
» Assisting the Preparing Activity in identifying Review Activities in the Department of the Air Force.
» Resolving and consolidating Review Activity comments in their Department and presenting a unified position on a standardization document to the Preparing Activity.
» Working with the Preparing Activity to resolve their Department's essential comments.

All Of These Words
All Of These Words refers to the ability to obtain a list of all document images that contain each and every word specified in the corresponding text entry field. For example, if you specified the words "TOMATO" and "SAUCE", the search results listing would provide only those documents that contained both words. Note that it is not necessary for the individual words to be adjacent to one another within the document nor that they be specified in the text entry field in any particular order.

Note: Please be aware that not all PDF-based document image files contain searchable text elements (depending on whether or not the files were generated from legacy scanned images); therefore, certain files may not be considered during searches and the search results may NOT reflect the entire index.

AMSC Number
AMSC (Acquisition Management System Control) Number is a control number assigned by the system and cognizant data management approval authority listed in the SD-1 which indicates that a Data Item Description (DID), or a defense specification or standard that cites DIDs, has been cleared for use by the DoD.

Any Of These Words
Any Of These Words refers to the ability to obtain a list of all document images that contain one or more of the words specified in the corresponding text entry field. For example, if you specified the words "TOMATO" and "SAUCE", the search results listing would provide every document that contained "TOMATO", "SAUCE", or both. Note that it is not necessary for the individual words to be adjacent to one another within the document nor that they be specified in the text entry field in any particular order.

Note: Please be aware that not all PDF-based document image files contain searchable text elements (depending on whether or not the files were generated from legacy scanned images); therefore, certain files may not be considered during searches and the search results may NOT reflect the entire index.

Army Custodian
An Army Custodian is responsible for compiling comments from all Army review activities during the coordination of standardization documents and providing a single set of distilled comments to the preparing activity. The custodian function in the Defense Standardization Program helps to prevent receipt of duplicative comments by the preparing activity, and provides a single contact point for resolution of essential comments.

An Army Custodian's responsibilities include:

» Representing their Department of the Army on technical issues involving a standardization document or study.
» Assisting the Preparing Activity in identifying Review Activities in the Department of the Army.
» Resolving and consolidating Review Activity comments in their Department and presenting a unified position on a standardization document to the Preparing Activity.
» Working with the Preparing Activity to resolve their Department's essential comments.

Available From
Links are provided to one or more web sites where the non-government standard (NGS) may be obtained. The first web site listed is that of the non-government standards body (NGSB) who published the document. Occasionally an NGS is available as a free download from the sponsoring NGSB web site; however, usually they are available for purchase only. The links are provided only as a public service. The U.S. government, including the Department of Defense (the primary sponsoring federal agency of the ASSIST Quick Search), neither endorses nor guarantees in any way, the external organizations, services, advice, or products included in the web site links. Furthermore, the U.S. government neither controls nor guarantees the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of the information contained in non-government web site links.

This date represents the last time a change was made to the document via ASSIST Change/Correction Utility, which replaces some of the functions previously administered through DD Form 1865 submissions.

Comments Due By
This date refers to the last day to submit comments for a draft coordination or the day the coordination effort was closed by the draft owner.

Condition Code
This code represents the current condition or state of a project:
A Project Not Started as Scheduled
B Project Not Completed as Scheduled
C Project Not Completed as Scheduled and Estimated Completion Date has Passed
D Estimated Completion is Next Quarter

Coordination Level
Coordination is the process of having standardization documents reviewed and commented on by Government and private sector organizations. Coordinated documents are those that are used by more than one Military Department or Defense Agency. Most standardization documents should be coordinated ones.

There are three possible coordination levels:

- Full. Documents with this coordination level are used by more than one Military Department or Defense Agency. Such documents are coordinated with Custodians, Review Activities, Lead Standardization Activity, and if applicable, with civilian agencies, private sector, and/or other users.

- Limited. Documents with this coordination level are used by only one Military Department or Defense Agency and do not have Custodians.

- Interim. Documents with this coordination level allow for quick changes to be made to coordinated documents when time does not permit normal coordination. No coordination is required for the interim document. Only one interim document shall exist at a time for a coordinated document.

Coordination Status
.Refers to the status of a draft document/coordination:

= Active - Coordination currently in process
= Expired - The coordination time period has expired.
= Closed - The document coordination is complete and is now closed.

Date Changed (Alert Portal)
Date Changed is the date when the item (document, DID, MS Drawing, etc.) was selected for participation in ASSIST Alert Portal. In order for a document to be selected like this, it has to satisfy two requirements: it has to be selected in ASSIST Alert profile of at least one user, and it has to undergo a change or a modification within the past two weeks period. As a rule of thumb, the "Date Changed" field in the ASSIST Alert Portal reflects the actual document change date, but with a 1 day delay.

DID Approval Authority
The DID Approval Authority is the organization in each Military Department/Defense Agency with delegated responsibility to approve new, revised, and canceled Data Item Descriptions within their respective Department/Agency.

DIDs Cited In Section 6?
(Block 11of DPSDO-5604/4) - Select 'Yes' if Data Item Descriptions (DIDs) are cited in Section Six (6) of a military specification or standard. If the document being submitted is not a military specification or standard or if DIDs are not cited, select 'No'.

DID Date
DID Date represents the most recent published date of a Data Item Description (DID) document (e.g., the date for a new DID or the date the DID was last revised).

Distribution Statement
Distribution Statements are statements on technical data that direct people who handle technical data how they can distribute the document. DoD Instruction 5230.24 dated August 23, 2012 (with Change 1 incorporated April 28, 2016) requires the controlling DoD office responsible for creating the technical documents to determine the appropriate mark and ensure that the document is marked correctly. The following distribution statements and notices are authorized for use on DoD technical documents:

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release.

a. This statement may be used only on unclassified technical documents that have been cleared for public release by competent authority in accordance with DoD Directive 5230.9, "Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release", January 8, 2009, and DoD Instruction 5230.29, "Security and Policy Review of DoD Information for Public Release", August 08, 2008, certified current through August 22, 2015. Technical documents resulting from contracted fundamental research efforts will normally be assigned Distribution Statement A, except for those rare and exceptional circumstances where there is a high likelihood of disclosing performance characteristics of military systems, or of manufacturing technologies that are unique and critical to Defense, and agreement on this situation has been recorded in the contract or grant.

b. Technical documents with this statement may be made available or sold to the public and foreign nationals, companies, and governments, including adversary governments, and may be exported.

c. This statement shall not be used on classified technical documents or documents containing export-controlled technical data as provided in DoD Directive 5230.25, "Withholding of Unclassified Technical Data from Public Disclosure", November 6, 1984, with Change 1 incorporated August 18, 1995.

d. This statement may not be used on technical documents that formerly were classified unless such documents are cleared for public release in accordance with DoD Directive 5230.9 and DoD Instruction 5230.29.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT B. Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies only (fill in reason) (date of determination). Other requests for this document shall be referred to (insert controlling DoD office).

a. This statement may be used on unclassified and classified technical documents.

b. Reasons for assigning Distribution Statement B include:

Administrative or Operational Use - To protect technical or operational data or information from automatic dissemination under the International Exchange Program or by other means. This protection covers publications required solely for official use or strictly for administrative or operational purposes. This statement may apply to manuals, pamphlets, weapon systems specifications, technical orders, technical reports, and other publications or technical data containing valuable technical or operational data.

Contractor Performance Evaluation - To protect information in management reviews, records of contract performance evaluation, or other advisory documents evaluating programs of contractors. Assigned pursuant to subparts 203.104-4 of title 48, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

Critical Technology - To protect information on technologies essential to the design, development, production, operation, application, or maintenance of an article or service that makes or could make a significant contribution to the military potential of any country, including the United States. This includes, but is not limited to, design and manufacturing knowledge, technical data, keystone equipment, and inspection and test equipment or data that relate to a specific military deficiency of a potential adversary. Information of this type may be classified or unclassified. Assigned pursuant to subpart 800-209 of title 31, CFR; International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR); and Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

Export Controlled - To protect information subject to the provisions of DoD Directive 5230.25.

Foreign Government Information - To protect and limit distribution in accordance with the desires of and agreements with the foreign government that furnished the technical information. Assigned pursuant to chapter 15 of title 50, United States Code (U.S.C.) and Executive Oder 13526, "Classified National Security Information", December 29, 2009.

Operations Security - To protect information and technical data that may be observed by adversary intelligence systems and to determine what indicators hostile intelligence systems may obtain that could be interpreted or assembled to derive critical information in time to be useful to adversaries. Assigned in accordance with DoD 5205.02, "DoD Operations Security (OPSEC) Program." June 20, 2012.

Premature Dissemination - To protect patentable information on systems or processes in the developmental or conceptual stage from premature dissemination. Assigned pursuant to section 205 of title 35, U.S.C.

Proprietary Information - To protect information not owned by the U.S. Government and marked with a statement of a legal property right. This information is protected by a contractors "limited rights" statement, or received with the understanding that it not be routinely transmitted outside the U.S. Government.

Test and Evaluation - To protect the results of test and evaluation of commercial products or military hardware when disclosure may cause unfair advantage or disadvantage to the manufacturer of the product. Assigned pursuant to part 311.8 of title 32, CFR.

Software Documentation - To protect technical data relating to computer software that is releasable only in accordance with the software license in subpart 227.72 of title 48, CFR. It includes documentation such as user's or owner's manuals, installation instructions, operating instructions, and other information that explains the capabilities of or provides instructions for using or maintaining computer software.

Specific Authority - To protect information not specifically included in the above preceding described reasons and discussions, but which requires protection in accordance with valid documented authority, such as Executive Orders, statutes, and regulations, such as the Atomic Energy Federal regulation. When filling in the reason, cite "Specific Authority (identification of valid documented authority)."

Vulnerability Information - To protect information and technical data that provides insight into vulnerabilities of U.S. critical infrastructure, including DoD warfighting capabilities vital to National Security that are otherwise not publicly available. Assigned pursuant to Public Law 107-296, "Homeland Security Act of 2002", 25 November 2002.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to U.S. Government Agencies and their contractors (fill in reason) (date of determination). Other requests for this document shall be referred to (insert controlling DoD office).

a. Distribution Statement C may be used on unclassified and classified technical documents.

b. Reasons for assigning Distribution Statement C include:

Administrative or Operational Use - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Critical Technology - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Export Controlled - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Foreign Government Information - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Software Documentation - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Specific Authority - Same as Distribution Statement B.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only (fill in reason) (date of determination). Other requests shall be referred to (insert controlling DoD office).

a. Distribution Statement D may be used on unclassified and classified technical documents.

b. Reasons for assigning distribution statement D include:

Administrative or Operational Use - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Critical Technology - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Export Controlled - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Foreign Government Information - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Software Documentation - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Specific Authority - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Vulnerability Information - Same as Distribution Statement B.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT E. Distribution authorized to DoD Components only (fill in reason) (date of determination). Other requests shall be referred to (insert controlling DoD office).

a. Distribution Statement E may be used on unclassified and classified technical documents.

b. Reasons for assigning Distribution Statement E include:

Administrative or Operational Use - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Contractor Performance Evaluation - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Critical Technology - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Export Controlled - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Foreign Government Information - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Operations Security - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Premature Dissemination - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Proprietary Information - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Software Documentation - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Specific Authority - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Test and Evaluation - Same as Distribution Statement B.
Vulnerability Information - Same as Distribution Statement B.

c. The following additional reason did not apply to Distribution Statements B, C, or D:

Direct Military Support - The document contains export-controlled technical data of such military significance that release for purposes other than direct support of DoD approved activities may jeopardize an important technological or operational military advantage of the United States. Designation of such data is made by competent authority in accordance with DoD Directive 5230.25.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT F. Further dissemination only as directed by (inserting controlling DoD office) (date of determination) or higher DoD authority.

Distribution Statement F is normally used only on classified technical documents, but may be used on unclassified technical documents when specific authority exists (e.g., designation as direct military support as in Distribution Statement E).

Export Control Warning. All printed and electronic, including digital, technical documents that are determined to contain export-controlled technical data shall be marked as shown below:

"WARNING - This document contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C., Sec 2751, et seq.) or the Export Administration Act of 1979 (Title 50, U.S.C., App. 2401 et seq), as amended. Violations of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties. Disseminate in accordance with provisions of DoD Directive 5230.25."

When it is technically infeasible to use the entire statement, an abbreviated marking may be used, and a copy of the full statement added to the "Notice To Accompany Release of Export Controlled Data" required by DoD Directive 3200.12, "DoD Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program (STIP)", 11 February 1998.

Handling and Destroying Unclassified/Limited Distribution Documents. Unclassified documents marked with Distribution Statements B, C, D, E, or F shall be handled using the same standard as "For Official Use Only (FOUO)" material in accordance with DoD Manual 5200.01-V1, "DoD Information Security Program: Overview, Classification, and Declassification", 24 February 2012, and shall be destroyed by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. When local circumstances or experience indicates that this destruction method is not sufficiently protective of the information, local authorities may prescribe other methods but must balance the additional expense against the degree of sensitivity.

All records shall be maintained and managed in accordance with National Archives and Records Administration approved dispositions to ensure proper maintenance, use, accessibility, and preservation, regardless of format or medium.

DLA Custodian
A DLA Custodian is responsible for compiling comments from all DLA review activities during the coordination of standardization documents and providing a single set of distilled comments to the preparing activity. The custodian function in the Defense Standardization Program helps to prevent receipt of duplicative comments by the preparing activity, and provides a single contact point for resolution of essential comments.

A DLA Custodian's responsibilities include:

» Representing their Defense Agency on technical issues involving a standardization document or study.
» Assisting the Preparing Activity in identifying Review Activities in their Defense Agency.
» Resolving and consolidating Review Activity comments in their Agency and presenting a unified position on a standardization document to the Preparing Activity.
» Working with the Preparing Activity to resolve their Agency's essential comments.

Document Category
Document Category identifies the type of standardization document (e.g., performance, detail, or federal specification; military standard or standard practice, commercial item description, etc.).

Document Date
Document Date indicates the most recent published modification to a document. Depending on where a document is in its lifecycle, this date can be the publication date of a new document, or the date of the last revision, amendment, supplement, or notice.

Note: For a non-government standard (NGS), ASSIST displays the Adoption Date and, if applicable, the Reaffirmation Date. For certain International Treaty Agreements, such as NATO standards, ASSIST displays the Promulgation Date and U.S. Ratification Date.

Document ID
Document ID refers to the alphanumeric identifier associated with a defense or federal specification or standard, military handbook, commercial or data item description, drawing, nongovernment standard, international standardization agreement, test operations procedure, or other Defense Standardization Program document. Search results include slash sheet, section, part, or volume numbers, as well as revision, amendment, notice, or supplement symbols. When searching using this field, ASSIST will return a list of Document IDs, with the specified search characters (or partial string of characters) found in their Document IDs. Partial values are accepted without use of special wildcard characters.


   Use MIL-PRF-50 to find:

» MIL-PRF-5038J
» MIL-PRF-5041K SUP 1
» MIL-PRF-5096F NOT 1
» MIL-PRF-50084G
   Use "DTL-100" to find:

» MIL-DTL-10035L
» MIL-DTL-10057J
» MIL-DTL-10058J
   Use "4971" to find:

» MIL-P-4971(1) NOT 1
» MIL-G-14971A(4) NOT 2
» A-A-54971 NOT 1
» SAE-AMS4971

Document Number
This value refers to the numeric series assigned to a document. A specific Document Number may be associated with multiple document categories, such as defense or federal specifications, standards, military handbooks, commercial or data item descriptions, drawings, or non-government standards.

ASSIST provides the ability to search against documents associated with a specific Document Number series. The results list returned by the search will include all corresponding slash sheets, if applicable. This search feature is particularly useful when you know the Document Number but don't know the current document prefix (e.g., MIL-C may now be MIL-PRF or MIL-DTL as a result of Acquisition Reform initiatives). Partial values are NOT accepted.


Search against 1361 to find:

» MIL-I-1361C NOT 1
» MIL-STD-1361A NOT 1
» W-S-001361 NOT 1
» QPL-1361-38 NOT 1
» STANAG-1361 ED. 1

» NAS1353THRUNAS1366
NOTES: Some specifications indexed in ASSIST are drawings that describe a range of Government part numbers. The document number for such a specification comprises the beginning part number, the term 'THRU' and the ending part number. The last entry in the above example was included in the search results because 1361 is between 1353 and 1366.

Document Part Description
The DSP standardization community routinely modifies documents to reflect changes in technology, practices, and resource availability.  As these documents evolve, document parts such as revisions, amendments, supplements, and notices are published to reflect current requirements, corrections, and administrative actions.  These current and historical document parts are indexed in the ASSIST as they become available.  ASSIST displays this "revision history" to permit users to access and download individual parts of a given document.  Every document part has a corresponding file or inventory item associated with it.  Most document parts are stored electronically and, with the exception of controlled distribution documents and special cases, these files may be downloaded directly from ASSIST free of charge.  The media icon to the left of the revision history indicates the format and availability of each part.

The Document Part Description also includes detail information to clearly differentiate between version-specific parts (e.g., Amendment 1 vs. Amendment 2).  When notices are listed, the revision (if any) and notice level are provided along with a description indicating Validation, Inactivation, Cancellation, Adoption, Reactivation, or Reinstatement. Examples of document parts and descriptions include:

Base Document Base Document (indicates original document without revisions)
Revision Revision B
Amendment Revision B Amendment 5
Notice Revision C Notice 1 - Cancellation
Supplement Revision B Supplement 1A
Inactivation Notice Revision A Notice 2 - Inactivation
Adoption Notice Notice 1 - Adoption

Document Status
Preparing Activities are responsible for the maintenance of their standardization documents to ensure that document requirements are updated or validated to accurately describe user needs, current technology, modern industrial practices and relevant testing methods.  As technology and user needs change, a document's usefulness in the acquisition of systems, equipment and related logistics support may diminish or it may become obsolete.  Document Status defines the degree to which a document may be used in the acquisition process and may have one of three values:

Active (A) The document is approved for use in all acquisitions or new design.  The document date in ASSIST reflects the date of the most current version of the document.
Inactive (I) Inactive for New Design documents shall not be used, except to support or procure existing items.  For these documents, a formal Inactive for New Design Notice (Inactivation) has been issued as a means to alert the standardization community of the change in status.  In the normal life cycle of a standardization document, it is common that an inactive for new design action will take place many years before a document is eventually canceled.  Note that the document date in ASSIST reflects the date of Inactivation for New Design.
Canceled (C) The document's Preparing Activity has determined that the document is no longer needed for acquisition, procurement or design.  In such cases, a formal Cancellation Notice has been issued as a means to alert the standardization community of the change in status.  The document date in ASSIST reflects the date of cancellation. For non-government standards, this status will appear as 'Withdrawn' or 'W'.

Document Type/Format
Refers to the format of a standardization document (e.g., performance, detail, or federal specification; military standard or standard practice, commercial item description, etc.).

While selecting Document Category, the Formats list box is populated with document formats of selected document types. When a particular document format is selected, it is copied into Document ID text box making it searchable. Selecting first entry in the Formats list box clears the Document ID text box.



DoD Interest Level
DoD Interest Level refers to a code/designation that identifies the level of registered interest the DoD has in a federal standardization document. Should the DoD have any level of interest other than coordination, the document's Preparing Activity will be shown instead of the Military Coordinating Activity.

EDS Status
Indicates the current level of acceptance of your document information by the ASSIST Maintenance Team. The table provided below shows each possible status and its detailed explanation:
Status Description
SUBMITTED Fundamental document identification and print order information has been provided by the user, a PDF file has been successfully uploaded to DoDSSP and is waiting to be processed by the ASSIST Maintenance Team. While a document submission is in this processing status, the user has the option to update any print order information or to send a new PDF file.
PROCESSING The submitted document information and accompanying PDF file are being reviewed by an ASSIST Maintenance Team member. The user may not make any changes to information nor may a new PDF file be re-submitted while a document is in this processing status.
SUSPENDED The ASSIST Maintenance Team has started to review the document submission but is unable to immediately reach an acceptance decision until additional or clarifying information is obtained. The user may not make any changes to information nor may a new PDF file be re-submitted while a document is in this processing status.

Should a document submission remain in a SUSPENDED status for an unreasonable amount of time, please contact an ASSIST Maintenance Team member (see below).
ACCEPTED All submitted information and its accompanying PDF file have been reviewed by the ASSIST Maintenance Team and found to be in compliance with DSP Standardization Document preparation policy. The submitted document has been indexed in the ASSIST and all information provided by the user will be available in the next publication of the DoDISS. The PDF document image has been indexed in the ASSIST Document Repository and will be available through ASSIST following its next update.

No further changes may be made to any information previously submitted once the document has entered the ACCEPTED status. Users may elect to remove ACCEPTED documents from their list of submissions using the "Remove" checkbox.
REJECTED The ASSIST Maintenance Team has determined that a problem was encountered during the processing of a submitted document and has halted any further processing. Any document submission falling into this status will always have a comment provided explaining what problem was found. Reasons for rejected document submissions include (but are not limited to):
inaccurate document identification or print order information
receipt of corrupted file
document is not prepared in accordance with established policy
information found in the PDF document image conflicts with document identification or print order information furnished through EDS
Users may correct any inaccurate or incomplete information and/or re-send PDF files as appropriate.

Draft Comments
The comments that are provided during a draft coordination. The Preparing Activity shall consider all comments received during coordination but will only need to incorporate or resolve "essential" comments.

Draft Comment Type
Refers to the type of comment you are submitting for a draft coordination. Essential comments must be of such important technical nature that its acceptance is necessary to meet the mission needs of a Military Department or a Defense Agency. Only users specifically invited to review a draft may submit these types of comments. Suggested comments include editorial changes, questions, general observations, and technical content preferences that are not absolutely necessary to meet mission requirements.

Draft Figure
The figure or figure number(s) in the document your comments will refer to for a draft coordination.



Draft Page
The page number or pages of the document your comments will refer to for a draft coordination.





Draft Paragraph
The paragraph or paragraphs number(s) of the document your comments will refer to for a draft coordination.





Draft Section
The section or section number(s) of the document your comments will refer to for a draft coordination.





Draft Status
Refers to the status of a draft coordination:

     = Active - Coordination currently in process
     = Expired - The coordination time period has expired.
     = Closed - The document coordination is complete and is now closed.

Draft Table
The table or table number(s) in the document your comments will refer to for a draft coordination.





Essential Comment Justification
A justification for why comments submitted for a draft coordination are of such important technical nature that their acceptance is necessary to meet the mission needs of a Military Department or a Defense Agency. If the comment type selected is 'Essential', you must provide justification for it.

If draft comments include editorial changes, questions, general observations, and technical content preferences that are not absolutely necessary to meet mission requirements, those comments should be designated as 'Suggested'.

Find Term1,Term2,...

ASSIST will search for any string of alpha or numeric characters entered in this field, exactly as they are entered, to include spaces or special characters, except for commas, since commas are reserved to separate multiple search terms. The default setting is to search for terms in the Title or Keywords or Scope ; however, you may choose to limit the search by selecting one of the following from the drop-down list: Title, Keywords, Scope, Title or Keywords.


1. If you enter [pressure valve] For [All Terms] In [Title or Keywords or Scope], ASSIST will find 3 documents where the exact phrase [pressure valve] appears in one of those fields (in this instance, in the Scope).

Y MIL-V-6125D NOT 3 I 4820 25-Feb-2013 Valve, Regulating, Fluid Pressure, Type C-1
Y MIL-P-17303D(2) NOT 1 C 5330 04-Dec-2008 Packing Materials, Plastic Metallic and Plastic Nonmetallic (See Notice 1 for Replacement Information)

2. If you enter [pressure valve] For [Any Term] In [Title or Keywords or Scope], the results will be the same as in the first example, because ASSIST interprets [pressure valve] as one string (i.e., a single search term).

3. If you enter [pressure,valve] For [All Words] in [Title or Keywords or Scope], and choose a [Status]=[Active], ASSIST will find 99 documents where both words appear, in any order, in any one of those fields. Note that search terms are highlighted within the Title (see first 10 results below). The two results where only the term [valve] appears in the Title are listed because both terms appear in each document's Scope.

Y MIL-V-2961D A 4820 03-Apr-1990 Valves, Globe, Pressure Reducing, Gas Service
Y MIL-DTL-5500G A 1650 13-Jun-2014 Cap, High Pressure Air Valve
Y MIL-PRF-5636E NOT 1 A 2935 03-Oct-2013 Valve, Lubricating Oil Cooler, Temperature Regulating with Surge Protection General Specification for
Y MIL-DTL-6129B A 4820 11-Dec-2014 Valve, Check; Vacuum and Pressure System
Y MIL-PRF-6164G(1) A 4820 25-Jan-2013 Valve; Aircraft, Pneumatic, High-Pressure Charging
Y MIL-DTL-7891G NOT 1 A 1660 03-Oct-2013 Filler Valve, Aircraft Oxygen
Y MIL-PRF-7908E NOT 1 A 4820 02-Jul-2014 Valves, Check, Aircraft Low Pressure Oxygen Systems
Y MIL-PRF-9050G A 4820 25-Aug-2009 Valves, Oxygen, Pressure Relief, Aircraft

4. If you enter [pressure,valve] For [Any Word] in [Title or Keywords or Scope], and choose a [Status]=[Active], you'll get 1,179 results, as ASSIST will report when either word appears in the Title, Keywords, or Scope. Again, note that the search terms are highlighted in the Title (see first 10 results below). Results where neither search term appears in the Title are listed because at least one term appears in the document's Keywords or Scope.

Y MIL-V-3E A PACK 01-Nov-1994 Valves, Fittings, and Flanges (Except for Systems Indicated Herein); Packaging of
Y MIL-DTL-868A A 4810 14-Jan-2014 Valves, Hydraulic Directional Control, General Specification for
Y MIL-DTL-868/1A A 4810 14-Jan-2014 Valves, Hydraulic Directional Control, Four-Way, 0-12 GPM
Y MIL-DTL-868/2A A 4810 14-Jan-2014 Valves, Hydraulic Directional Control, Four-Way, 3-25 GPM
Y MIL-DTL-868/3A A 4810 14-Jan-2014 Valves, Hydraulic Directional Control, Four-Way, 10-50 GPM
Y MIL-H-965E A 4520 22-Dec-1994 Heaters, Water, Electric, Naval Shipboard
Y MIL-V-1189D A 4820 15-Dec-1987 VALVE, GATE, BRONZE
Y MIL-B-2128D A 4530 07-May-1991 Burners, Steam and Oil Pressure, Atomizing

Federal Supply Class (FSC) codes are used to group products into logical families for supply management purposes.  The four-digit fields, fully discussed in Cataloging Handbook H2-1, are used in the standardization program to group standardization documents associated with products into logical families for standardization management purposes.  Similarly, Standardization Areas refer to categories for engineering technologies, disciplines, and practices that do not fall under a FSC.  The ASSIST maintains a current catalog of all FSCs and Areas to which documents are associated. Note that documents may also be classified within a Federal Supply Group, a two-digit code followed by 'GP', to categorize a small number of documents that can only be categorized in general, group-level terms.

ASSIST- provides the ability to search and locate documents associated with a single FSC, FSG, or Standardization Area.  Use the drop-down list provided to select from one of nearly 100 valid codes to search against.





Governing Specification
A Governing Specification is the specification that stipulates the need for qualification.

Implements ISA
Implements ISA indicates the document is an implementing document for at least one International Standardization Agreement (ISA).

Interim Amd/Chg Notice
An Interim Amd/Chg Notice designates specifications and standards that have interim amendments or interim change notices in effect. In these cases, the interim and non-interim versions of the document are stored as separate line items in the database. If you are searching for an interim amendment or interim change notice version of a document, select 'Yes' for this option. Otherwise, select 'No'.

International Agreements
International Agreements indicates certain provisions of this document are subject to International Standardization Agreements.

ISA Type
ISA Type is a designation indicating the general content of an International Standardization Agreement. Five ISA Types are currently indexed in ASSIST:
Materiel Materiel standards are those standards which affect the characteristics of future and/or current materiel to include telecommunications, data processing and distribution.  They may cover production codes of practice as well as materiel specifications.  Materiel includes complete systems, including command, control and communications systems, weapons systems, sub-systems, assemblies, components, spare parts and materials and consumables (including ammunition, fuel, supplies, stores and consumable spares).

ISA documents classified as "Materiel" and ratified by the U.S are the only ISA Type to be listed in the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DoDISS).  Materiel ISA's may be cited in solicitations without need for a waiver.
Operational Operational standards are those standards which affect future and/or current military practice, procedures or formats. They may apply among other things, to such matters as concepts, doctrine, tactics, techniques, logistics, training, organizations, reports, forms, maps and charts.
Doctrinal Doctrinal standards are a subset of the Operational ISA Type dealing with how fleets, forces and nations, among other things, operate in terms of policy, maneuvers, tactics, etc.
Administrative Administrative standards primarily concern terminology - which apply to both the "operational" and the "materiel" fields - but this category also includes standards which facilitate administration in fields without direct military application (e.g. reporting of economic statistics).
Other The Other ISA Type is any ISA which does not fit within any of the aforementioned types.

Guidance on including key words in Section 6 of military specifications may be found in MIL-STD-961E(2), Defense and Program-Unique Specifications Format and Content, 09-JAN-2014, which states:

" 5.11.11 Subject term (key word) listing. Specifications shall contain a listing of subject terms (key words) to enable the document to be identified during retrieval searches. If the specification requires the use of any toxic chemicals, hazardous substances, or ozone-depleting chemicals, these should be included in the key word listing. The subject terms should not repeat words found in the title of the document, except if the word is used in a phrase not part of the document title. The subject terms are to be listed alphabetically in a single column with the main noun or word first, followed by sequential modifiers separated by commas. Word groups that are considered to be proper or recognized nouns, such as 'printed circuit board', should not be separated. The number of subject terms listed shall not exceed 25."

Lead Agent
A Lead Agent is a designation given to the Joint Staff, a Military Service, a Defense Agency, or a combatant command to indicate prime responsibility for the subject matter assigned to a NATO or other international organization or entity. The Lead Agent has overall responsibility for developing, coordinating, reviewing, maintaining, and representing the United States in the given subject matter.

Lead Standardization Activity
The lead Standardization Activity (LSA) has approval authority for standardization actions related to development of new specifications, standards, and other types of DoD standardization documents; revisions of existing documents, and adoption of non-Government standards. The LSA is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of DoD standardization policy within its assigned areas of responsibility. Furthermore, the LSA acts as the Defense Standardization Program's functional experts within its assigned areas of responsibility and is responsible for ensuring the proper implementation of DoD policy within standardization documents.

An LSA's specific responsibilities include:

» Working with the Participating Activities, managing and coordinating standardization efforts to ensure the optimal degree of standardization across the DoD to:

1. Ensure interoperability with our allies and among the Military Departments.
2. Reduce total ownership costs.
3. Allow for rapid insertion of new technology to promote modernization of equipment.
4. Reduce cycle time for the development of systems and acquisition of parts.

» Maintaining awareness of standardization needs and activities in the DoD.
» Serving as the DoD-wide technical focal point.
» Evaluating and approving or disapproving requests for standardization projects, assigning numbers for approved projects, and ensuring that no standardization documents are developed or revised that do not comply with the policies and procedures of the DSP.
» Suggesting alternative approaches to requestors when standardization projects are disapproved.
» Recommending changes to standardization policies and procedures to their DepSO.
» Resolving standardization problems between SMAs, or elevating the problem to their DepSO for appropriate action.
» Identifying chronic standardization problems or noncompliance with policies and procedures to their DepSO.
» Helping Preparing Activities identify standardization document Custodians.
» Helping NGSBs to identify DoD personnel to serve on technical committees or adopting activities.

Make Draft Comments Public
This refers to whether or not you wish to make comments you submit for a draft coordination available to the general ASSIST user community. Selecting Yes will allow any ASSIST user to view your comments. Selecting No will restrict viewing of your submitted comments only to the custodian or preparing activity/owner of the draft.

The ASSIST Revision History page provides a summary of all document parts indexed against a specified ASSIST document.  The information displayed on the Revision History page includes an icon next to each document part to indicate its individual format and availability.  Important icons to remember are shown below:

PDF Document is available in digital format (PDF).  Click on this icon to view the document online or save it to your computer.
Warehouse This document is available from DLA Document Services as a warehouse item only. Warehouse documents are stored in hard copy format and may be requested free of charge by accessing the ASSIST web site and ordering a copy of the document.
Lock Document is not approved for public release but is marked with a Distribution Statement which limits distribution to individuals with the proper credentials. Refer to Help for Distribution Statements for further explanation.
Spectacle Document component has digital information available on the SPECtacle® web site. For more details about SPECtacle®, click here.

Navy Custodian
A Navy Custodian is responsible for compiling comments from all Navy review activities during the coordination of standardization documents and providing a single set of distilled comments to the preparing activity. The custodian function in the Defense Standardization Program helps to prevent receipt of duplicative comments by the preparing activity, and provides a single contact point for resolution of essential comments.

A Navy Custodian's responsibilities include:

» Representing the Department of the Navy on technical issues involving a standardization document or study.
» Assisting the Preparing Activity in identifying Review Activities in the Department of the Navy.
» Resolving and consolidating Review Activity comments in their Department and presenting a unified position on a standardization document to the Preparing Activity.
» Working with the Preparing Activity to resolve their Department's essential comments.

Next Review Due
Next Review Due indicates the date when a DoD-prepared document will be considered overage and due for a review to determine if it is still valid or in need of maintenance. For a non-government standard (NGS), this date indicates when the adoption of an NGS needs to be reviewed and either updated, withdrawn, or reaffirmed. The Next Review Due is determined by adding either 5 years or 10 years to the Document Date or, for an NGS, to either the Adoption Date or the most recent Reaffirmation Date according to the following criteria:

  1. For active documents, Next Review Due = document date + 5 years.
  2. For inactive documents and documents identified by preparing activities as stabilized maintenance, Next Review Due = document date + 10 years.
  3. For NGS Tier 1 Adoption Notices, Next Review Due = adoption date (or most recent reaffirmation date) + 5 years.
  4. For NGS Tier 2 Adoption Notices, Next Review Due = adoption date (or most recent reaffirmation date) + 10 years.

Other Custodian
An Other Custodian is responsible for compiling comments from all of the DoD and Federal review activities not directly associated with one of the Military Departments during the coordination of standardization documents and providing a single set of distilled comments to the preparing activity. The custodian function in the Defense Standardization Program helps to prevent receipt of duplicative comments by the preparing activity, and provides a single contact point for resolution of essential comments.

An Other Custodian's responsibilities include:

» Representing non-military organizations on technical issues involving a standardization document or study.
» Assisting the Preparing Activity in identifying non-military Review Activities.
» Resolving and consolidating non-military Review Activity comments and presenting a unified position on a standardization document to the Preparing Activity.
» Working with the Preparing Activity to resolve non-military essential comments.

The Pages value refers to the total number of pages, including blanks, associated with a given document part.  This information is provided to the user as part of the Revision History screen to give the customer an idea of how large a document will be when a copy is obtained from the ASSIST.  In cases where documents are stored electronically, the page count will normally reflect the number of pages that will be visible when the digital file is downloaded and viewed.  In cases where a document is stored in hard copy as a warehouse item, Pages refers to the number of document pages that will be shipped.  The Pages information loosely correlates to the Size provided in the adjacent column.

Sub/Part Number
Sub/Part Number is the numeric designation of an additional part or section number required to uniquely identify a document. This field is primarily used in specifying military standards. If no value is used, a zero (0) is assumed as the default. Valid values for sub/part numbers are 0-99.

Part Status
The ASSIST maintains information regarding the current status of individual component parts of a document (e.g., base document, revisions, amendments, change notices, etc.) that comprise the document's "revision history". A document's components are either "current" (i.e., needed to have a complete set of the current version of the document) or "historical" (i.e., earlier revisions, amendments, change notices, or other notices that have been superseded by subsequent actions). Do not confuse the term Part Status with Document Status which refers to the operational status of the document (i.e., Active, Inactive [for New Design], or canceled). Part Status values are further defined below.

Planned Completion
This date describes the fiscal year and quarter of the planned completion date of a project.

Planned Start
This date describes the fiscal year and quarter planned start date of a project.

Preparing Activity
A Preparing Activity is the military or federal organization responsible for the preparation of a standardization document. The alpha, numeric, or alphanumeric code is from the SD-1, Standardization Directory, a publication available from ASSIST which displays specific responsibilities by FSC and Standardization Area for each Standardization Management Activity (SMA).

A Preparing Activity's responsibilities include: »Developing, updating, inactivating for new design, cancelling, and validating standardization documents.
»Coordinating standardization documents with Custodian, Review Activities, other DoD activities, civilian agencies, and industry, as appropriate.
»Considering all comments and incorporating or resolving essential comments.
»Submitting any essential comments that cannot be resolved to the responsible LSA.
»Approving standardization documents after resolving all essential comments.
»Submitting documents to DLA Document Services for printing, distribution, and indexing.
»Preparing and submitting standardization project status data, including initiation, updates, completion, and discontinuation of standardization projects. This reporting requirement has been assigned Report Control Symbol DD-A&T(AR)759 in accordance with DoD 8910.1-M (reference (g)).
»Responding to user feedback.
»Creating, maintaining, and archiving official case files for their standardization documents.
There are currently 121 active preparing activities with documents indexed in ASSIST (DoD: 116, Federal: 5) as shown below:

Army AI Headquarters, Department of the Army
Army AI2 Headquarters, Department of the Army
Army AI3 Department of the Army
Army ALTS Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) - S
Army AM HQ US Army Materiel Command, (AMC), DepSO
Army AR US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, Armaments Center
Army AT Ground Vehicle Systems Center
Army AV Combat Capabilities Development Command, Aviation and Missile Center
Army CE US Army Corps of Engineers
Army CE3 US Army Corps of Engineers
Army CR US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, C5ISR Center
Army CR2 US Army Communications Electronics Command
Army CR4 US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, C5ISR Center
Army CR6 US Army AFC DEVCOM C5ISR Center MOSA Management Office
Army CSCS US Army, PEO Combat Support & Combat Service Support (CS&CSS)
Army EA Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC)
Army GL U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier Center
Army IH Institute of Heraldry
Army JTNC Joint Tactical Networking Center (JTNC)
Army MD Office of the Surgeon General
Army MD3 Office of the Surgeon General
Army MI Combat Capabilities Development Command, Aviation and Missile Center
Army MR Army Research Laboratory, Weapons and Materials Research Directorate
Army MT Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC)
Army OCSE Headquarters, Department of the Army
Army PT Program Executive Officer for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation
Army SM Army Sustainment Command, Packaging, Storage & Containerization Ctr.
Army SY U.S. Army Data and Analysis Center
Army TE Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC)
Army TM LDAC, Logistics Data Analysis Center
Navy AS Naval Air Systems Command
Navy CG United States Coast Guard
Navy CG1 United States Coast Guard Clothing Design and Technical Office
Navy CH Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAVAIRWARCEN)
Navy EC Naval Information Warfare Systems Command
Navy MC United States Marine Corps
Navy NI Tactical Doctrine and International Standardization Branch
Navy NM Department of the Navy Standardization Office, DASN (RDT&E) (DepSO)
Navy NU Navy Clothing and Textile Research Facility
Navy OM Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO)
Navy OS Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Division (NSWC IHD)
Navy PE Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (Chaplain)
Navy SA Navy Supply Systems Command
Navy SH Naval Sea Systems Command (Ship Systems)
Navy YD Naval Facilities Engineering Command
Air Force 01 Air Force Departmental Standardization Office (DepSO)
Air Force 02 HQ Cyberspace Capabilities Center
Air Force 03 HQ USAF Office of the Surgeon General
Air Force 05 SAF/AQR Deputy Assistant Secretary for Science, Technology and Engineering
Air Force 06 AF/A5SP, Global Plans & Posture Division
Air Force 10 AFMC Command Standardization Office (ComSO)
Air Force 11 Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Aircraft Systems
Air Force 114 Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Logistics Product Support
Air Force 13 Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Electronic Systems
Air Force 16 AFMC/A4/10 - Directorate of Logistics, Civil Engineering, Force Protection,
Air Force 170 Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Ogden
Air Force 171 Air Force Life Cycle Management Center – Tinker
Air Force 18 Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Armament Systems
Air Force 184 Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Warner Robins
Air Force 19 Space Systems Command
Air Force 20 Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
Air Force 22 Air Force Test Center - Seek Eagle Office
Air Force 24 Air Force Test Center (AFTC)
Air Force 27 Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center
Air Force 33 Space Operations Command
Air Force 35 Air Force Service Activity (AFSVA)
Air Force 36 Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Metrology and Calibration
Air Force 37 Air Force Safety Center Weapon Safety Division, Nuclear Weapon Branch (AFS
Air Force 40 Air Force Materiel Command Safety Office
Air Force 50 Air Force Civil Engineer Center
Air Force 68 Air Force Petroleum Office (AFPET/PTP)
Air Force 69 Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Packaging Technology and Engineeri
Air Force 70 Air Force Sustainment Center - Ogden
Air Force 71 Air Force Sustainment Center - Oklahoma City
Air Force 84 Air Force Sustainment Center - Warner Robins
Air Force 85 Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Electronic Components, Wire and Ca
Air Force 93 Air Combat Command
Air Force 99 Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Item Reduction Support
DLA CC DLA Land and Maritime
DLA CQ DLA Troop Support - Construction and Equipment Items of Supply Standardizat
DLA CT DLA Troop Support - Clothing & Textile Items of Supply
DLA DA Defense Standardization Program Automation Office (DSPAO)
DLA DH Defense Logistics Agency (DepSO)
DLA DM DLA Troop Support - Medical Items of Supply
DLA GS DLA Aviation - Richmond
DLA GS1 DLA Aviation - Richmond
DLA GS2 DLA Aviation - Richmond
DLA GS3 DLA Aviation - Richmond
DLA GS4 DLA Aviation - Richmond
DLA GS5 DLA Aviation - Richmond
DLA GS6 DLA Aviation - Richmond
DLA GS7 DLA Aviation - Richmond
DLA GS8 DLA Aviation - Richmond
DLA LS DLA Logistics Information Service
DLA SS DLA Troop Support - Subsistence Items of Supply
Other DoD ADA OUSD (A&S) Acquisition Data & Analytics
Other DoD CAPE OSD Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation Standardization
Other DoD DC Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), (DepSO)
Other DoD DC1 Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
Other DoD DC2 Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
Other DoD DC3 Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
Other DoD DC5 Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
Other DoD DS Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), (DepSo)
Other DoD DTIC Director, ASD (Research & Engineering) Defense Technical Information Center
Other DoD HP Department of Defense Disability Program
Other DoD MB Defense Health Agency, Medical Logistics Division
Other DoD MB1 Defense Health Agency - Veterinarian Services (DHA)
Other DoD MDA Missile Defense Agency
Other DoD MP The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, (DepSO)
Other DoD NRO National Reconnaissance Office
Other DoD NS National Security Agency
Other DoD RS Director Science & Technology Program Protection (STPP)
Other DoD SE Director, Systems Engineering
Other DoD SO Executive Agent for the Defense Standardization Program
Other DoD SO1 Executive Agent for the Defense Standardization Program Office
Other Federal FAS General Services Administration
Other Federal FV Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) (Fruit and Vegetable Programs)
Other Federal NA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Other Federal NMF National Marine Fisheries Service
Other Federal OSS Office of Acquisition & Material Mgmt Division

Preparing Service
Preparing Service is the military department or defense or federal agency responsible for the preparation of a standardization document or the adoption of a Non-Government Standard (NGS).

The preparing service codes and descriptions are:

AR Army
NA Navy
AF Air Force
DL Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
OT Other DoD
OF Other Federal
UA Unassigned

Project Number
Project Number refers to standardization project numbers. All DoD Preparing Activities must get standardization project numbers to revise, amend, change, reinstate, inactivate for new design, cancel, or develop a new standardization document. For Non-Government Standards, the Adopting Activity must get a standardization project number for the adoption or withdrawal of adoption of a NGS. Item reduction studies and engineering practice studies also require standardization project numbers. The only type of standardization document that does not require a project number is a validation notice.

The standardization project number consists of two parts. The first part is the applicable FSG, the FSC, or the standardization area. The second part is a nonsignificant four-digit number serially assigned in each FSG, FSC, or standardization area. (For example: 2620-0023, 15GP-1590, or CMAN-0934.) Once all of the nonsignificant four-digit numbers have been assigned in a FSG, a FSC, or a standardization area, the numbering sequence starts again with "-0001)." Closely related projects initiated in the same timeframe may be identified by a project number followed by a dash and sequentially assigned subproject numbers. (For example, 5960-0001-001, 5960-0001-002, and 5960-0001-003.)

Project Status
The current status of a project.


    A - Project has been initiated and is underway.
    G - Project has been completed.
    Y - Project has been discontinued.
    Z - Project has been planned but not yet initiated.

Promulgation Date
Promulgation Date, which applies only to International Standardization Agreements, is the date a document was officially promulgated by its International Treaty Organization.

Public Review
Refers to whether or not a draft is available to the general ASSIST user community for review and comment. The default, and preferred setting, is Yes. This lets any user with an ASSIST account access your draft by clicking on the Review Drafts link from the ASSIST main menu and then clicking on the hyperlinked Document ID.

If you select No, the Document ID for your draft will still appear in the list of coordination efforts in progress; however, the document will not be available to the general ASSIST user community for review and comment. Only users specifically invited to review your draft (i.e., those on the Distribution List generated by ASSIST or added by you) will be able to review your draft and comment through the Document Coordination module.

Refers to Pyramid Report, accessed via search results when using the Basic or Advanced option for the main document Search utility. This report will produce an inclusive specification tree for an input document and its lower tier references.

QPL/QML are lists of products from manufacturers who have demonstrated their ability to meet the technical and testing requirements in a governing specification with a requirement for qualification. Qualification is used to establish sources for critical items or for items that require expensive or lengthy testing procedures. Policies and procedures concerning Qualification are provided in DoD 4120.24-M, Appendix 2 and Policy Memo 07-3. Additional guidance can be found in the SD-6.

For definitions, background and policy information, click here.

Qualification Required?
(Block 10 of DPSDO-5604/4) - In the SD-6, Provisions Governing Qualification, qualification is defined as 'The entire process by which products of manufacturers and distributors are examined and tested and then identified on a list of qualified products'. Identification of qualification requirements is performed by Preparing Activities in accordance with the procedures set forth in DoD 4120.3-M, SD-6 and MIL-STD-961. If the document being submitted requires qualification, select 'Yes', otherwise select 'No'.

Ratification Date
Ratification Date, which applies only to International Standardization Agreements, is the date the document was ratified by the United States.

Reaffirmation Date
Reaffirmation Date represents the last time the DoD Adopting Activity reaffirmed DoD interest in a Non-Government Standard (NGS).

Referenced By
References to other ASSIST documents that reference the current document.

References associated with the given document.

To filter by Responsibility, select Lead Standardization Activity, Custodian, or Reviewer and then select the code for that corresponding responsibility.

Reviewer Interest
Identifies Standardization Management Activities with a registered reviewer interest in the document.

The Scope paragraph is a textual description of the scope of the standard / specification / test method / etc. that the document covers.


   This specification covers gasket material for use in shipboard water stills.
   This test method covers the determination of total ash in leather.

Most document component parts are available for download in PDF format. The Revision History provides Size information (in Kilobytes) for each file as a tool to help users gauge how long it will take to download selected files.

File sizes for older documents tend to be greater than those for newer documents since older files often contain scanned images that were subsequently converted to PDF. File sizes are typically smaller for newer documents since the PDF files are produced directly from the source and no additional format conversion or translation is required. Note that historical documents containing engineering drawings, charts, and other graphics will generally be larger since this information is captured as TIF images and embedded within the PDF files.

Download times may vary from person to person depending on the user's connection speed.

In cases where the media type identifies a given document part as a warehouse item, the term 'N/A' will appear in the Size column since inventory items may only be ordered through ASSIST or by contacting the ASSIST Service Desk at 215-737-8000.  While ASSIST users are encouraged to download specifications and standards from the ASSIST, particularly large digital files may also be ordered using these methods.

Spec/Std Sheet
The Spec/Std Sheet is the numeric designation of the document's specification or standard sheet, section, or part number.   If no value is entered, a zero (0) is assumed as the default.   Valid values for the slash number are 0-99999.

Examples of Spec/Std Sheet
2  for  MIL-E-1/2B(1)
2  for  MIL-BULL-544 PART II
203  for  MIL-STD-188-203-1

A Sponsor is a NATO Tasking Authority and Working Group that is responsible for the development and maintenance of a standardization document. A Tasking Authority is a principal NATO committee that has the authority to task its subordinate groups to produce standardization agreements and Allied Publications.

Note: A Tasking Authority may delegate this function to a subordinate group (e.g., Working Group).

Stabilized Maintenance
If a preparing activity determines that an active document addresses mature products, technologies, or practices, and as a result, is not likely to require updating, the preparing activity may request DSPAO via e-mail to designate the document as stabilized maintenance in ASSIST. A preparing activity may also make this determination and designation in the Validation Portal during a normal overage review, or when submitting a revision, change notice, or amendment to the DSPAO.

Standards Category
A standard that establishes military-unique design or functional criteria that must be adhered to in the development of systems, subsystems, equipment, assemblies, components, items, or parts.

Design Criteria Standard (L)  -

Interface Standard (I) - A standard that specifies the physical, functional, or military operational environment interface characteristics of systems, subsystems, equipment, assemblies, components, items, or parts to permit interchangeability, interconnection, interoperability, compatibility, or communications. 

Manufacturing Process Standard (K) - TA standard that states the desired outcome of manufacturing processes or specifies procedures or criteria on how to perform manufacturing processes.

Standard Practice (M) - A standard that specifies procedures on how to conduct certain non-manufacturing functions. Standard practices are developed for functions that, at least some of the time, are obtained via contractor from private sector firms.

Test Method Standard (J)  - A standard that specifies procedures or criteria for measuring, identifying, or evaluating qualities, characteristics, and properties of a product or process.

Military Standard (X)  - Prior to MILSPEC Reform, this category was used to denote a general category for all Military Standards in the ASSIST. Under the reform initiative, many standards were inactivated, cancelled, or redesignated under one of the new standards categories described above. Those documents that were inactivated or cancelled continue to be categorized as a 'Military Standard'. Note, there are several cases where active documents were never redesignated and continue to be identified as Military Standards.

Sub/Part Number
Sub/Part Number is the numeric designation of an additional part or section number required to uniquely identify a document.  This field is primarily used in specifying military standards.  If no value is entered, a zero (0) is assumed as the default.  Valid values for the sub/part numbers are 0-99.

Examples of Sub/Part Number
1  for  MIL-STD-188-203-1
3  for  DOD-STD-1399-72-3

Superseding Document
A Superseding Document is a document that supersedes a canceled document.

This Exact Phrase
This Exact Phrase refers to the ability to obtain a list of all document images that contain a specific textual phrase. For example, if you specified the phrase "TOMATO SAUCE", the search results listing would provide only those documents that contained both words appearing adjacent to one another in the document as well as occurring in the same order as specified in the text entry field.

Note: Please be aware that not all PDF-based document image files contain searchable text elements (depending on whether or not the files were generated from legacy scanned images); therefore, certain files may not be considered during searches and the search results may NOT reflect the entire index.

Document titles consist of a basic item name and sufficient modifiers to differentiate between similarly titled documents indexed in ASSIST, where item names conform to Cataloging Handbook H6. The usual practice is to first identify the general subject, followed by the detail or specific application. For example, a specification that describes requirements for an electric, propeller-model, exhaust fan may be indexed in ASSIST as "Fan, Ventilating, Propeller, Electric, Exhaust." Where supersession information is available for a canceled document, superseding document information is appended to the end of the document's title, denoted with 'S/S by' or 'use' within parentheses. Users are advised to evaluate the potential use of superseding documents on a case-by-case basis. (See Keywords .)

Transaction Date
This date represents when the most recent form of maintenance was performed on the document. This could be when it was initially entered, modified, or cancelled within ASSIST.

Transformation Date
Transformation Date represents the date when a QPL or QML document was transformed to an electronic data set in the Qualified Products Database (QPD).

Treaty Organization
When selecting Treaty Organization, the Formats list box is populated with the document formats of the selected Treaty Organization. When a particular document format is selected, it is copied into Document ID text box making it searchable. Selecting the first entry in the Formats list box clears Document ID text box.

Unique References
Refers to Unique References Report, accessed via search results when using the Basic or Advanced option for the main document Search utility. This report will produce a list of all unique references for an input document and its cascading tiers of references.

Validation Date
Validation Date is the date a Preparing Activity last reviewed a document and confirmed it is still needed and technically useful for acquisition.

Warehouse Document
A Warehouse Document is a document that is not available for download but which may be ordered from DLA Document Services. Warehouse documents are stored in hard copy format and may be requested free of charge by clicking on the shopping cart icon in the Revision History section of the Document Details page for that item.

Withdrawal Date
Withdrawal Date represents the date on which a Withdrawal Notice is issued against to indicate that DoD no longer has an interest in a formerly adopted Non-Government Standard (NGS).

With All These Words
All These Words refers to the ability to obtain a list of all document images that contain each and every word specified in the corresponding text entry field. For example, if you specified the words "TOMATO" and "SAUCE", the search results listing would provide only those documents that contained both words. Note that it is not necessary for the individual words to be adjacent to one another within the document nor that they be specified in the text entry field in any particular order.

Note: Please be aware that not all PDF-based document image files contain searchable text elements (depending on whether or not the files were generated from legacy scanned images); therefore, certain files may not be considered during searches and the search results may NOT reflect the entire index.

With One Or More Of These Words
With One Or More Of These Words refers to the ability to obtain a list of all document images that contain one or more of the words specified in the corresponding text entry field. For example, if you specified the words "TOMATO" and "SAUCE", the search results listing would provide every document that contained "TOMATO", "SAUCE", or both. Note that it is not necessary for the individual words to be adjacent to one another within the document nor that they be specified in the text entry field in any particular order.

Note: Please be aware that not all PDF-based document image files contain searchable text elements (depending on whether or not the files were generated from legacy scanned images); therefore, certain files may not be considered during searches and the search results may NOT reflect the entire index.

With This Exact Phrase
With This Exact Phrase refers to the ability to obtain a list of all document images that contain a specific textual phrase. For example, if you specified the phrase "TOMATO SAUCE", the search results listing would provide only those documents that contained both words appearing adjacent to one another in the document as well as occurring in the same order as specified in the text entry field.

Note: Please be aware that not all PDF-based document image files contain searchable text elements (depending on whether or not the files were generated from legacy scanned images); therefore, certain files may not be considered during searches and the search results may NOT reflect the entire index.

Without These Words
Without These Words refers to the ability to search for documents that do not contain any of the words specified in the corresponding text entry field. For example, if you specified the words "TOMATO" and "SAUCE", the search results listing would exclude every document that contained "TOMATO", "SAUCE", or both. Note that it is not necessary for the individual words to be adjacent to one another within the document nor that they be specified in the text entry field in any particular order. However, in order to use this option, you must further restrict your search by specifying text to find in at least one of the other three entry fields.

Note: Please be aware that not all PDF-based document image files contain searchable text elements (depending on whether or not the files were generated from legacy scanned images); therefore, certain files may not be considered during searches and the search results may NOT reflect the entire index.

Weapon System Impact Tool (WSIT)
WSIT is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insight to those who manage the life cycle of today's complex weapon systems. This tool gathers information about weapon systems and their specifications from multiple data sources, such as cataloging data and procurement history files.

With WSIT's query features, users can explore the relationships between specifications and weapons systems. For example, a user can estimate the impact on a weapon system if a specification is changed or canceled, or if a manufacturer no longer supplies a part that supports the weapon system.

If a part conforming to a specification fails its testing requirements, WSIT will show other items on the weapon system were tested using that specification. In addition, WSIT will be able to identify what other weapon systems could possibly be affected by the failed part.

WSIT can be used to generate a list of weapon systems in which a specified document-military specification, federal specification, commercial item description, or non-government standard-is called out. And, it can also provide a list of the national stock numbers and controlling part numbers referenced in that document.

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