ASSIST is a robust, comprehensive web site used by standardization management activities to develop,
coordinate, distribute, and manage defense and federal specifications and standards, military handbooks,
commercial item descriptions, data item descriptions, and related technical documents prepared in accordance
with the policies and procedures of the Defense Standardization Program (DSP). Besides DoD-prepared
documents, ASSIST also has selected international standardization agreements, such as NATO standards ratified
by the United States and International Test Operating Procedures.
Since it always has the most current information, ASSIST is the official source for specifications and
standards used by the Department of Defense. There are 115,761 technical
documents indexed in ASSIST, and the ASSIST document database has 250,551
PDF files associated with 88,370 of the indexed documents. There are
183,469 registered ASSIST users and 26,272
active accounts. Managed by the Defense Standardization Program Automation Office (DSPAO) in Philadelphia, PA, ASSIST provides free access to DSP technical
documents that have been cleared for public release.
Registered users may search for documents, identify standardization points-of-contact, generate numerous standard or
custom reports, and establish profiles to receive customized e-mail alerts when a preparing activity undertakes a
project to develop or modify a document, posts a draft for coordination, or publishes a new or revised document.
There are several ways to search for documents. Depending on the method selected, search terms entered, or filters
selected, a search may locate a single document or return a list of documents. Each listed document has a unique
identifier (called a Document ID) and each is linked to a Document Details page that displays information about the
document and lists all available document parts comprising that document's revision history.
If a file is available, a PDF ( ) icon is displayed next to the document
part. Clicking on the icon opens the file in PDF format and it can then be saved or printed by clicking on the
appropriate icon near the bottom of the screen. If the file is a warehouse item only available as a printed publication,
a shopping cart icon ( ) is displayed to the left of the
document part. Clicking the icon opens an ordering form where a user must enter an address (or confirm one
previously entered) to where the document should be mailed. When a padlock icon ( )
is displayed to the left of a document part, it means distribution of that file is controlled.
ASSIST includes more than documents and document metadata. ASSIST also serves as a portal to, and is closely
integrated with, the Qualified Products Database (QPD), which is the official DoD site for identifying parts and
sources approved by DoD qualifying activities.