Preparing Service:
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Air Force
Other DoD
Other Federal
Preparing Activity:
01 - Air Force Departmental Standardization Office (DepSO)
02 - HQ Cyberspace Capabilities Center
03 - HQ USAF Office of the Surgeon General
04 - HQ USAF Directorate of the Civil Engineer
05 - SAF/AQR Deputy Assistant Secretary for Science, Technology and Engineering
06 - AF/A5SP, Global Plans & Posture Division
061 - AF/A3O, HQ Air Force Flight Standards Agency/Global Engagements
062 - SAF/AQI
07 - Air Force Communications and Information Center
08 - Maintenance and Integrated Support Policy Division
09 - AF/A2 Targeting & GEOINT Capabilities Division
10 - AFMC Command Standardization Office (ComSO)
11 - Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Aircraft Systems
110 - Air Force Materiel Command Standardization Management Office (SMO)
114 - Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Logistics Product Support
13 - Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Electronic Systems
16 - AFMC/A4/10 - Directorate of Logistics, Civil Engineering, Force Protection,
170 - Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Ogden
171 - Air Force Life Cycle Management Center – Tinker
18 - Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Armament Systems
184 - Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Warner Robins
19 - Space Systems Command
20 - Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
22 - Air Force Test Center - Seek Eagle Office
24 - Air Force Test Center (AFTC)
241 - Air Force Test Center - AEDC Program Management Office
27 - Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center
28 - Air Force Materiel Command Chaplain
33 - Space Operations Command
35 - Air Force Service Activity (AFSVA)
36 - Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Metrology and Calibration
37 - Air Force Safety Center Weapon Safety Division, Nuclear Weapon Branch (AFS
40 - Air Force Materiel Command Safety Office
44 - Air Force JINTACCS Message Standards Engineering Office
49 - Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation (AFAMS)
50 - Air Force Civil Engineer Center
51 - Air Force Research Laboratory - Bioeffects
68 - Air Force Petroleum Office (AFPET/PTP)
69 - Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Packaging Technology and Engineeri
70 - Air Force Sustainment Center - Ogden
71 - Air Force Sustainment Center - Oklahoma City
84 - Air Force Sustainment Center - Warner Robins
85 - Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Electronic Components, Wire and Ca
93 - Air Combat Command
94 - Air Education and Training Command (AETC)
99 - Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Item Reduction Support
AC - Chief Information Officer/G-6
ADA - OUSD (A&S) Acquisition Data & Analytics
AFC - Army Futures Command (AFC)
AI - Headquarters, Department of the Army
AI2 - Headquarters, Department of the Army
AI3 - Department of the Army
ALTS - Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) - S
AM - HQ US Army Materiel Command, (AMC), DepSO
APD - US Army Publishing Directorate
AR - US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, Armaments Center
AS - Naval Air Systems Command
AT - Ground Vehicle Systems Center
AV - Combat Capabilities Development Command, Aviation and Missile Center
AVN - US Army, PEO Aviation
CAPE - OSD Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation Standardization
CC - DLA Land and Maritime
CD - DLA Logistics Information Service (Custodian for Army documents)
CE - US Army Corps of Engineers
CE3 - US Army Corps of Engineers
CG - United States Coast Guard
CG1 - United States Coast Guard Clothing Design and Technical Office
CH - Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAVAIRWARCEN)
CQ - DLA Troop Support - Construction and Equipment Items of Supply Standardizat
CR - US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, C5ISR Center
CR2 - US Army Communications Electronics Command
CR4 - US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, C5ISR Center
CR6 - US Army AFC DEVCOM C5ISR Center MOSA Management Office
CSCS - US Army, PEO Combat Support & Combat Service Support (CS&CSS)
CT - DLA Troop Support - Clothing & Textile Items of Supply
DA - Defense Standardization Program Automation Office (DSPAO)
DAU - Defense Acquisition University, Mid-Atlantic Region
DC - Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), (DepSO)
DC1 - Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
DC2 - Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
DC3 - Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
DC5 - Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
DH - Defense Logistics Agency (DepSO)
DI - Defense Intelligence Agency
DM - DLA Troop Support - Medical Items of Supply
DS - Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), (DepSo)
DTIC - Director, ASD (Research & Engineering) Defense Technical Information Center
EA - Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC)
EC - Naval Information Warfare Systems Command
EM - DOD Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center, DoD ECAC
FAS - General Services Administration
GL - U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier Center
GS - DLA Aviation - Richmond
GS1 - DLA Aviation - Richmond
GS2 - DLA Aviation - Richmond
GS3 - DLA Aviation - Richmond
GS4 - DLA Aviation - Richmond
GS5 - DLA Aviation - Richmond
GS6 - DLA Aviation - Richmond
GS7 - DLA Aviation - Richmond
GS8 - DLA Aviation - Richmond
HP - Department of Defense Disability Program
IH - Institute of Heraldry
JSF - Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program Office
JTNC - Joint Tactical Networking Center (JTNC)
LMR - L & MR
LS - DLA Logistics Information Service
MA - Maintenance Policy and Programs
MB - Defense Health Agency, Medical Logistics Division
MB1 - Defense Health Agency - Veterinarian Services (DHA)
MC - United States Marine Corps
MD - Office of the Surgeon General
MD1 - Office of the Surgeon General
MD3 - Office of the Surgeon General
MDA - Missile Defense Agency
MI - Combat Capabilities Development Command, Aviation and Missile Center
MP - The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, (DepSO)
MR - Army Research Laboratory, Weapons and Materials Research Directorate
MT - Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC)
NA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
ND - Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
NI - Tactical Doctrine and International Standardization Branch
NM - Department of the Navy Standardization Office, DASN (RDT&E) (DepSO)
NO - Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Intelligence)
NRO - National Reconnaissance Office
NS - National Security Agency
NU - Navy Clothing and Textile Research Facility
OCSE - Headquarters, Department of the Army
OH - Safety and Occupational Health Policy
OM - Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO)
OS - Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Division (NSWC IHD)
PE - Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (Chaplain)
PM - Armed Forces Pest Management Board (AFPMB)
PS - DLA Energy
PT - Program Executive Officer for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation
QM - U.S. Army Quartermaster Center and School
QM1 - U.S. Army Quartermaster Center and School
RS - Director Science & Technology Program Protection (STPP)
SA - Navy Supply Systems Command
SAF - Office of Department of Army Safety (ODASAF)
SE - Director, Systems Engineering
SH - Naval Sea Systems Command (Ship Systems)
SM - Army Sustainment Command, Packaging, Storage & Containerization Ctr.
SO - Executive Agent for the Defense Standardization Program
SO1 - Executive Agent for the Defense Standardization Program Office
SPO - Command Center Upgrade/Special Projects Office - Pacific
SS - DLA Troop Support - Subsistence Items of Supply
SY - U.S. Army Data and Analysis Center
TE - Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC)
TM - LDAC, Logistics Data Analysis Center
U/A - LSA Unassigned
USTC - United States Transportation Command
YD - Naval Facilities Engineering Command